Search results for: named entity recognition (NER)
2510 A Motion Dictionary to Real-Time Recognition of Sign Language Alphabet Using Dynamic Time Warping and Artificial Neural Network
Authors: Marcio Leal, Marta Villamil
Computacional recognition of sign languages aims to allow a greater social and digital inclusion of deaf people through interpretation of their language by computer. This article presents a model of recognition of two of global parameters from sign languages; hand configurations and hand movements. Hand motion is captured through an infrared technology and its joints are built into a virtual three-dimensional space. A Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP) was used to classify hand configurations and Dynamic Time Warping (DWT) recognizes hand motion. Beyond of the method of sign recognition, we provide a dataset of hand configurations and motion capture built with help of fluent professionals in sign languages. Despite this technology can be used to translate any sign from any signs dictionary, Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) was used as case study. Finally, the model presented in this paper achieved a recognition rate of 80.4%.Keywords: artificial neural network, computer vision, dynamic time warping, infrared, sign language recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 2182509 Investigation of New Gait Representations for Improving Gait Recognition
Authors: Chirawat Wattanapanich, Hong Wei
This study presents new gait representations for improving gait recognition accuracy on cross gait appearances, such as normal walking, wearing a coat and carrying a bag. Based on the Gait Energy Image (GEI), two ideas are implemented to generate new gait representations. One is to append lower knee regions to the original GEI, and the other is to apply convolutional operations to the GEI and its variants. A set of new gait representations are created and used for training multi-class Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Tests are conducted on the CASIA dataset B. Various combinations of the gait representations with different convolutional kernel size and different numbers of kernels used in the convolutional processes are examined. Both the entire images as features and reduced dimensional features by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are tested in gait recognition. Interestingly, both new techniques, appending the lower knee regions to the original GEI and convolutional GEI, can significantly contribute to the performance improvement in the gait recognition. The experimental results have shown that the average recognition rate can be improved from 75.65% to 87.50%.Keywords: convolutional image, lower knee, gait
Procedia PDF Downloads 2022508 Offline Signature Verification in Punjabi Based On SURF Features and Critical Point Matching Using HMM
Authors: Rajpal Kaur, Pooja Choudhary
Biometrics, which refers to identifying an individual based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics, has the capabilities to the reliably distinguish between an authorized person and an imposter. The Signature recognition systems can categorized as offline (static) and online (dynamic). This paper presents Surf Feature based recognition of offline signatures system that is trained with low-resolution scanned signature images. The signature of a person is an important biometric attribute of a human being which can be used to authenticate human identity. However the signatures of human can be handled as an image and recognized using computer vision and HMM techniques. With modern computers, there is need to develop fast algorithms for signature recognition. There are multiple techniques are defined to signature recognition with a lot of scope of research. In this paper, (static signature) off-line signature recognition & verification using surf feature with HMM is proposed, where the signature is captured and presented to the user in an image format. Signatures are verified depended on parameters extracted from the signature using various image processing techniques. The Off-line Signature Verification and Recognition is implemented using Mat lab platform. This work has been analyzed or tested and found suitable for its purpose or result. The proposed method performs better than the other recently proposed methods.Keywords: offline signature verification, offline signature recognition, signatures, SURF features, HMM
Procedia PDF Downloads 3852507 Extraction of Compound Words in Malay Sentences Using Linguistic and Statistical Approaches
Authors: Zamri Abu Bakar Zamri, Normaly Kamal Ismail Normaly, Mohd Izani Mohamed Rawi Izani
Malay noun compound are phrases that consist of two or more nouns. The key characteristic behind noun compounds lies on its frequent occurrences within the text. Therefore, extracting these noun compounds is essential for several domains of research such as Information Retrieval, Sentiment Analysis and Question Answering. Many research efforts have been proposed in terms of extracting Malay noun compounds using linguistic and statistical approaches. Most of the existing methods have concentrated on the extraction of bi-gram noun+noun compound. However, extracting noun+verb, noun+adjective and noun+prepositional is challenging due to the difficulty of selecting an appropriate method with effective results. Thus, there is still room for improvement in terms of enhancing the effectiveness of compound word extraction. Therefore, this study proposed a combination of linguistic approach and statistical measures in order to enhance the extraction of compound words. Several preprocessing steps are involved including normalization, tokenization, and stemming. The linguistic approach that has been used in this study is Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging. In addition, a new linguistic pattern for named entities has been utilized using a list of Malays named entities in order to enhance the linguistic approach in terms of noun compound recognition. The proposed statistical measures consists of NC-value, NTC-value and NLC value.Keywords: Compound Word, Noun Compound, Linguistic Approach, Statistical Approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 3512506 Convolutional Neural Networks-Optimized Text Recognition with Binary Embeddings for Arabic Expiry Date Recognition
Authors: Mohamed Lotfy, Ghada Soliman
Recognizing Arabic dot-matrix digits is a challenging problem due to the unique characteristics of dot-matrix fonts, such as irregular dot spacing and varying dot sizes. This paper presents an approach for recognizing Arabic digits printed in dot matrix format. The proposed model is based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) that take the dot matrix as input and generate embeddings that are rounded to generate binary representations of the digits. The binary embeddings are then used to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on the digit images. To overcome the challenge of the limited availability of dotted Arabic expiration date images, we developed a True Type Font (TTF) for generating synthetic images of Arabic dot-matrix characters. The model was trained on a synthetic dataset of 3287 images and 658 synthetic images for testing, representing realistic expiration dates from 2019 to 2027 in the format of yyyy/mm/dd. Our model achieved an accuracy of 98.94% on the expiry date recognition with Arabic dot matrix format using fewer parameters and less computational resources than traditional CNN-based models. By investigating and presenting our findings comprehensively, we aim to contribute substantially to the field of OCR and pave the way for advancements in Arabic dot-matrix character recognition. Our proposed approach is not limited to Arabic dot matrix digit recognition but can also be extended to text recognition tasks, such as text classification and sentiment analysis.Keywords: computer vision, pattern recognition, optical character recognition, deep learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 962505 Kýklos Dimensional Geometry: Entity Specific Core Measurement System
Authors: Steven D. P Moore
A novel method referred to asKýklos(Ky) dimensional geometry is proposed as an entity specific core geometric dimensional measurement system. Ky geometric measures can constructscaled multi-dimensionalmodels using regular and irregular sets in IRn. This entity specific-derived geometric measurement system shares similar fractal methods in which a ‘fractal transformation operator’ is applied to a set S to produce a union of N copies. The Kýklos’ inputs use 1D geometry as a core measure. One-dimensional inputs include the radius interval of a circle/sphere or the semiminor/semimajor axes intervals of an ellipse or spheroid. These geometric inputs have finite values that can be measured by SI distance units. The outputs for each interval are divided and subdivided 1D subcomponents with a union equal to the interval geometry/length. Setting a limit of subdivision iterations creates a finite value for each 1Dsubcomponent. The uniqueness of this method is captured by allowing the simplest 1D inputs to define entity specific subclass geometric core measurements that can also be used to derive length measures. Current methodologies for celestial based measurement of time, as defined within SI units, fits within this methodology, thus combining spatial and temporal features into geometric core measures. The novel Ky method discussed here offers geometric measures to construct scaled multi-dimensional structures, even models. Ky classes proposed for consideration include celestial even subatomic. The application of this offers incredible possibilities, for example, geometric architecture that can represent scaled celestial models that incorporates planets (spheroids) and celestial motion (elliptical orbits).Keywords: Kyklos, geometry, measurement, celestial, dimension
Procedia PDF Downloads 1662504 Accounting Policies in Polish and International Legal Regulations
Authors: Piotr Prewysz-Kwinto, Grazyna Voss
Accounting policies are a set of solutions compliant with legal regulations that an entity selects and adopts, and which guarantee a proper quality of financial statements. Those solutions may differ depending on whether the entity adopts national or international accounting standards. The aim of this article is to present accounting principles (policies) in Polish and international legal regulations and their adoption in selected Polish companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The research method adopted in this work is the analysis and evaluation of legal conditions in Polish companies.Keywords: accounting policies, international financial reporting standards, financial statement, method of measuring
Procedia PDF Downloads 3812503 Recognition of Grocery Products in Images Captured by Cellular Phones
Authors: Farshideh Einsele, Hassan Foroosh
In this paper, we present a robust algorithm to recognize extracted text from grocery product images captured by mobile phone cameras. Recognition of such text is challenging since text in grocery product images varies in its size, orientation, style, illumination, and can suffer from perspective distortion. Pre-processing is performed to make the characters scale and rotation invariant. Since text degradations can not be appropriately defined using wellknown geometric transformations such as translation, rotation, affine transformation and shearing, we use the whole character black pixels as our feature vector. Classification is performed with minimum distance classifier using the maximum likelihood criterion, which delivers very promising Character Recognition Rate (CRR) of 89%. We achieve considerably higher Word Recognition Rate (WRR) of 99% when using lower level linguistic knowledge about product words during the recognition process.Keywords: camera-based OCR, feature extraction, document, image processing, grocery products
Procedia PDF Downloads 4062502 Vision-Based Hand Segmentation Techniques for Human-Computer Interaction
This work is the part of vision based hand gesture recognition system for Natural Human Computer Interface. Hand tracking and segmentation are the primary steps for any hand gesture recognition system. The aim of this paper is to develop robust and efficient hand segmentation algorithm such as an input to another system which attempt to bring the HCI performance nearby the human-human interaction, by modeling an intelligent sign language recognition system based on prediction in the context of dialogue between the system (avatar) and the interlocutor. For the purpose of hand segmentation, an overcoming occlusion approach has been proposed for superior results for detection of hand from an image.Keywords: HCI, sign language recognition, object tracking, hand segmentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4132501 An Erudite Technique for Face Detection and Recognition Using Curvature Analysis
Authors: S. Jagadeesh Kumar
Face detection and recognition is an authoritative technology for image database management, video surveillance, and human computer interface (HCI). Face recognition is a rapidly nascent method, which has been extensively discarded in forensics such as felonious identification, tenable entree, and custodial security. This paper recommends an erudite technique using curvature analysis (CA) that has less false positives incidence, operative in different light environments and confiscates the artifacts that are introduced during image acquisition by ring correction in polar coordinate (RCP) method. This technique affronts mean and median filtering technique to remove the artifacts but it works in polar coordinate during image acquisition. Investigational fallouts for face detection and recognition confirms decent recitation even in diagonal orientation and stance variation.Keywords: curvature analysis, ring correction in polar coordinate method, face detection, face recognition, human computer interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2872500 An Evaluation of Neural Network Efficacies for Image Recognition on Edge-AI Computer Vision Platform
Image recognition, as one of the most critical technologies in computer vision, works to help machine-like robotics understand a scene, that is, if deployed appropriately, will trigger the revolution in remote sensing and industry automation. With the developments of AI technologies, there are many prevailing and sophisticated neural networks as technologies developed for image recognition. However, computer vision platforms as hardware, supporting neural networks for image recognition, as crucial as the neural network technologies, need to be more congruently addressed as the research subjects. In contrast, different computer vision platforms are deterministic to leverage the performance of different neural networks for recognition. In this paper, three different computer vision platforms – Jetson Nano(with 4GB), a standalone laptop(with RTX 3000s, using CUDA), and Google Colab (web-based, using GPU) are explored and four prominent neural network architectures (including AlexNet, VGG(16/19), GoogleNet, and ResNet(18/34/50)), are investigated. In the context of pairwise usage between different computer vision platforms and distinctive neural networks, with the merits of recognition accuracy and time efficiency, the performances are evaluated. In the case study using public imageNets, our findings provide a nuanced perspective on optimizing image recognition tasks across Edge-AI platforms, offering guidance on selecting appropriate neural network structures to maximize performance under hardware constraints.Keywords: alexNet, VGG, googleNet, resNet, Jetson nano, CUDA, COCO-NET, cifar10, imageNet large scale visual recognition challenge (ILSVRC), google colab
Procedia PDF Downloads 922499 Deep Learning Based Unsupervised Sport Scene Recognition and Highlights Generation
Authors: Ksenia Meshkova
With increasing amount of multimedia data, it is very important to automate and speed up the process of obtaining meta. This process means not just recognition of some object or its movement, but recognition of the entire scene versus separate frames and having timeline segmentation as a final result. Labeling datasets is time consuming, besides, attributing characteristics to particular scenes is clearly difficult due to their nature. In this article, we will consider autoencoders application to unsupervised scene recognition and clusterization based on interpretable features. Further, we will focus on particular types of auto encoders that relevant to our study. We will take a look at the specificity of deep learning related to information theory and rate-distortion theory and describe the solutions empowering poor interpretability of deep learning in media content processing. As a conclusion, we will present the results of the work of custom framework, based on autoencoders, capable of scene recognition as was deeply studied above, with highlights generation resulted out of this recognition. We will not describe in detail the mathematical description of neural networks work but will clarify the necessary concepts and pay attention to important nuances.Keywords: neural networks, computer vision, representation learning, autoencoders
Procedia PDF Downloads 1282498 A Weighted Approach to Unconstrained Iris Recognition
Authors: Yao-Hong Tsai
This paper presents a weighted approach to unconstrained iris recognition. Nowadays, commercial systems are usually characterized by strong acquisition constraints based on the subject’s cooperation. However, it is not always achievable for real scenarios in our daily life. Researchers have been focused on reducing these constraints and maintaining the performance of the system by new techniques at the same time. With large variation in the environment, there are two main improvements to develop the proposed iris recognition system. For solving extremely uneven lighting condition, statistic based illumination normalization is first used on eye region to increase the accuracy of iris feature. The detection of the iris image is based on Adaboost algorithm. Secondly, the weighted approach is designed by Gaussian functions according to the distance to the center of the iris. Furthermore, local binary pattern (LBP) histogram is then applied to texture classification with the weight. Experiment showed that the proposed system provided users a more flexible and feasible way to interact with the verification system through iris recognition.Keywords: authentication, iris recognition, adaboost, local binary pattern
Procedia PDF Downloads 2252497 Reviewing Image Recognition and Anomaly Detection Methods Utilizing GANs
Authors: Agastya Pratap Singh
This review paper examines the emerging applications of generative adversarial networks (GANs) in the fields of image recognition and anomaly detection. With the rapid growth of digital image data, the need for efficient and accurate methodologies to identify and classify images has become increasingly critical. GANs, known for their ability to generate realistic data, have gained significant attention for their potential to enhance traditional image recognition systems and improve anomaly detection performance. The paper systematically analyzes various GAN architectures and their modifications tailored for image recognition tasks, highlighting their strengths and limitations. Additionally, it delves into the effectiveness of GANs in detecting anomalies in diverse datasets, including medical imaging, industrial inspection, and surveillance. The review also discusses the challenges faced in training GANs, such as mode collapse and stability issues, and presents recent advancements aimed at overcoming these obstacles.Keywords: generative adversarial networks, image recognition, anomaly detection, synthetic data generation, deep learning, computer vision, unsupervised learning, pattern recognition, model evaluation, machine learning applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 322496 Efficient Feature Fusion for Noise Iris in Unconstrained Environment
Authors: Yao-Hong Tsai
This paper presents an efficient fusion algorithm for iris images to generate stable feature for recognition in unconstrained environment. Recently, iris recognition systems are focused on real scenarios in our daily life without the subject’s cooperation. Under large variation in the environment, the objective of this paper is to combine information from multiple images of the same iris. The result of image fusion is a new image which is more stable for further iris recognition than each original noise iris image. A wavelet-based approach for multi-resolution image fusion is applied in the fusion process. The detection of the iris image is based on Adaboost algorithm and then local binary pattern (LBP) histogram is then applied to texture classification with the weighting scheme. Experiment showed that the generated features from the proposed fusion algorithm can improve the performance for verification system through iris recognition.Keywords: image fusion, iris recognition, local binary pattern, wavelet
Procedia PDF Downloads 3672495 Evaluation of Environmental and Social Management System of Green Climate Fund's Accredited Entities: A Qualitative Approach Applied to Environmental and Social System
Authors: Sima Majnooni
This paper discusses the Green Climate Fund's environmental and social management framework (GCF). The environmental and social management framework ensures the accredited entity considers the GCF's accreditation standards and effectively implements each of the GCF-funded projects. The GCF requires all accredited entities to meet basic transparency and accountability standards as well as environmental and social safeguards (ESMS). In doing so, the accredited entity sets up different independent units. One of these units is called the Grievance Mechanism. When allegations of environmental and social harms are raised in association with GCF-funded activities, affected parties can contact the entity’s grievance unit. One of the most challenging things about the accredited entity's grievance unit is the lack of available information and resources on the entities' websites. Many AEs have anti-corruption or anti-money laundering unit, but they do not have the environmental and social unit for affected people. This paper will argue the effectiveness of environmental and social grievance mechanisms of AEs by using a qualitative approach to indicate how many of AEs have a poor or an effective GRM. Some ESMSs seem highly effective. On the other hand, other mechanisms lack basic requirements such as a clear, transparent, uniform procedure and a definitive timetable. We have looked at each AE mechanism not only in light of how the website goes into detail regarding the process of grievance mechanism but also in light of their risk category. Many mechanisms appear inadequate for the lower level risk category entities (C) and, even surprisingly, for many higher-risk categories (A). We found; in most cases, the grievance mechanism of AEs seems vague.Keywords: grievance mechanism, vague environmental and social policies, green climate fund, international climate finance, lower and higher risk category
Procedia PDF Downloads 1252494 Online Handwritten Character Recognition for South Indian Scripts Using Support Vector Machines
Authors: Steffy Maria Joseph, Abdu Rahiman V, Abdul Hameed K. M.
Online handwritten character recognition is a challenging field in Artificial Intelligence. The classification success rate of current techniques decreases when the dataset involves similarity and complexity in stroke styles, number of strokes and stroke characteristics variations. Malayalam is a complex south indian language spoken by about 35 million people especially in Kerala and Lakshadweep islands. In this paper, we consider the significant feature extraction for the similar stroke styles of Malayalam. This extracted feature set are suitable for the recognition of other handwritten south indian languages like Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. A classification scheme based on support vector machines (SVM) is proposed to improve the accuracy in classification and recognition of online malayalam handwritten characters. SVM Classifiers are the best for real world applications. The contribution of various features towards the accuracy in recognition is analysed. Performance for different kernels of SVM are also studied. A graphical user interface has developed for reading and displaying the character. Different writing styles are taken for each of the 44 alphabets. Various features are extracted and used for classification after the preprocessing of input data samples. Highest recognition accuracy of 97% is obtained experimentally at the best feature combination with polynomial kernel in SVM.Keywords: SVM, matlab, malayalam, South Indian scripts, onlinehandwritten character recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 5762493 Gender Recognition with Deep Belief Networks
Authors: Xiaoqi Jia, Qing Zhu, Hao Zhang, Su Yang
A gender recognition system is able to tell the gender of the given person through a few of frontal facial images. An effective gender recognition approach enables to improve the performance of many other applications, including security monitoring, human-computer interaction, image or video retrieval and so on. In this paper, we present an effective method for gender classification task in frontal facial images based on deep belief networks (DBNs), which can pre-train model and improve accuracy a little bit. Our experiments have shown that the pre-training method with DBNs for gender classification task is feasible and achieves a little improvement of accuracy on FERET and CAS-PEAL-R1 facial datasets.Keywords: gender recognition, beep belief net-works, semi-supervised learning, greedy-layer wise RBMs
Procedia PDF Downloads 4552492 Emotion Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Rahul Mohite, Lahcen Ouarbya
This paper focuses on the interplay between humans and computer systems and the ability of these systems to understand and respond to human emotions, including non-verbal communication. Current emotion recognition systems are based solely on either facial or verbal expressions. The limitation of these systems is that it requires large training data sets. The paper proposes a system for recognizing human emotions that combines both speech and emotion recognition. The system utilizes advanced techniques such as deep learning and image recognition to identify facial expressions and comprehend emotions. The results show that the proposed system, based on the combination of facial expression and speech, outperforms existing ones, which are based solely either on facial or verbal expressions. The proposed system detects human emotion with an accuracy of 86%, whereas the existing systems have an accuracy of 70% using verbal expression only and 76% using facial expression only. In this paper, the increasing significance and demand for facial recognition technology in emotion recognition are also discussed.Keywords: facial reputation, expression reputation, deep gaining knowledge of, photo reputation, facial technology, sign processing, photo type
Procedia PDF Downloads 1232491 Improving Activity Recognition Classification of Repetitious Beginner Swimming Using a 2-Step Peak/Valley Segmentation Method with Smoothing and Resampling for Machine Learning
Authors: Larry Powell, Seth Polsley, Drew Casey, Tracy Hammond
Human activity recognition (HAR) systems have shown positive performance when recognizing repetitive activities like walking, running, and sleeping. Water-based activities are a reasonably new area for activity recognition. However, water-based activity recognition has largely focused on supporting the elite and competitive swimming population, which already has amazing coordination and proper form. Beginner swimmers are not perfect, and activity recognition needs to support the individual motions to help beginners. Activity recognition algorithms are traditionally built around short segments of timed sensor data. Using a time window input can cause performance issues in the machine learning model. The window’s size can be too small or large, requiring careful tuning and precise data segmentation. In this work, we present a method that uses a time window as the initial segmentation, then separates the data based on the change in the sensor value. Our system uses a multi-phase segmentation method that pulls all peaks and valleys for each axis of an accelerometer placed on the swimmer’s lower back. This results in high recognition performance using leave-one-subject-out validation on our study with 20 beginner swimmers, with our model optimized from our final dataset resulting in an F-Score of 0.95.Keywords: time window, peak/valley segmentation, feature extraction, beginner swimming, activity recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1232490 Make Up Flash: Web Application for the Improvement of Physical Appearance in Images Based on Recognition Methods
Authors: Stefania Arguelles Reyes, Octavio José Salcedo Parra, Alberto Acosta López
This paper presents a web application for the improvement of images through recognition. The web application is based on the analysis of picture-based recognition methods that allow an improvement on the physical appearance of people posting in social networks. The basis relies on the study of tools that can correct or improve some features of the face, with the help of a wide collection of user images taken as reference to build a facial profile. Automatic facial profiling can be achieved with a deeper study of the Object Detection Library. It was possible to improve the initial images with the help of MATLAB and its filtering functions. The user can have a direct interaction with the program and manually adjust his preferences.Keywords: Matlab, make up, recognition methods, web application
Procedia PDF Downloads 1472489 Hand Gesture Recognition for Sign Language: A New Higher Order Fuzzy HMM Approach
Authors: Saad M. Darwish, Magda M. Madbouly, Murad B. Khorsheed
Sign Languages (SL) are the most accomplished forms of gestural communication. Therefore, their automatic analysis is a real challenge, which is interestingly implied to their lexical and syntactic organization levels. Hidden Markov models (HMM’s) have been used prominently and successfully in speech recognition and, more recently, in handwriting recognition. Consequently, they seem ideal for visual recognition of complex, structured hand gestures such as are found in sign language. In this paper, several results concerning static hand gesture recognition using an algorithm based on Type-2 Fuzzy HMM (T2FHMM) are presented. The features used as observables in the training as well as in the recognition phases are based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). SVD is an extension of Eigen decomposition to suit non-square matrices to reduce multi attribute hand gesture data to feature vectors. SVD optimally exposes the geometric structure of a matrix. In our approach, we replace the basic HMM arithmetic operators by some adequate Type-2 fuzzy operators that permits us to relax the additive constraint of probability measures. Therefore, T2FHMMs are able to handle both random and fuzzy uncertainties existing universally in the sequential data. Experimental results show that T2FHMMs can effectively handle noise and dialect uncertainties in hand signals besides a better classification performance than the classical HMMs. The recognition rate of the proposed system is 100% for uniform hand images and 86.21% for cluttered hand images.Keywords: hand gesture recognition, hand detection, type-2 fuzzy logic, hidden Markov Model
Procedia PDF Downloads 4632488 Fine Grained Action Recognition of Skateboarding Tricks
Authors: Frederik Calsius, Mirela Popa, Alexia Briassouli
In the field of machine learning, it is common practice to use benchmark datasets to prove the working of a method. The domain of action recognition in videos often uses datasets like Kinet-ics, Something-Something, UCF-101 and HMDB-51 to report results. Considering the properties of the datasets, there are no datasets that focus solely on very short clips (2 to 3 seconds), and on highly-similar fine-grained actions within one specific domain. This paper researches how current state-of-the-art action recognition methods perform on a dataset that consists of highly similar, fine-grained actions. To do so, a dataset of skateboarding tricks was created. The performed analysis highlights both benefits and limitations of state-of-the-art methods, while proposing future research directions in the activity recognition domain. The conducted research shows that the best results are obtained by fusing RGB data with OpenPose data for the Temporal Shift Module.Keywords: activity recognition, fused deep representations, fine-grained dataset, temporal modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2312487 Developing an AI-Driven Application for Real-Time Emotion Recognition from Human Vocal Patterns
Authors: Sayor Ajfar Aaron, Mushfiqur Rahman, Sajjat Hossain Abir, Ashif Newaz
This study delves into the development of an artificial intelligence application designed for real-time emotion recognition from human vocal patterns. Utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms, including deep learning and neural networks, the paper highlights both the technical challenges and potential opportunities in accurately interpreting emotional cues from speech. Key findings demonstrate the critical role of diverse training datasets and the impact of ambient noise on recognition accuracy, offering insights into future directions for improving robustness and applicability in real-world scenarios.Keywords: artificial intelligence, convolutional neural network, emotion recognition, vocal patterns
Procedia PDF Downloads 582486 Bird-Adapted Filter for Avian Species and Individual Identification Systems Improvement
Authors: Ladislav Ptacek, Jan Vanek, Jan Eisner, Alexandra Pruchova, Pavel Linhart, Ludek Muller, Dana Jirotkova
One of the essential steps of avian song processing is signal filtering. Currently, the standard methods of filtering are the Mel Bank Filter or linear filter distribution. In this article, a new type of bank filter called the Bird-Adapted Filter is introduced; whereby the signal filtering is modifiable, based upon a new mathematical description of audiograms for particular bird species or order, which was named the Avian Audiogram Unified Equation. According to the method, filters may be deliberately distributed by frequency. The filters are more concentrated in bands of higher sensitivity where there is expected to be more information transmitted and vice versa. Further, it is demonstrated a comparison of various filters for automatic individual recognition of chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita). The average Equal Error Rate (EER) value for Linear bank filter was 16.23%, for Mel Bank Filter 18.71%, the Bird-Adapted Filter gave 14.29%, and Bird-Adapted Filter with 1/3 modification was 12.95%. This approach would be useful for practical use in automatic systems for avian species and individual identification. Since the Bird-Adapted Filter filtration is based on the measured audiograms of particular species or orders, selecting the distribution according to the avian vocalization provides the most precise filter distribution to date.Keywords: avian audiogram, bird individual identification, bird song processing, bird species recognition, filter bank
Procedia PDF Downloads 3882485 Myanmar Character Recognition Using Eight Direction Chain Code Frequency Features
Authors: Kyi Pyar Zaw, Zin Mar Kyu
Character recognition is the process of converting a text image file into editable and searchable text file. Feature Extraction is the heart of any character recognition system. The character recognition rate may be low or high depending on the extracted features. In the proposed paper, 25 features for one character are used in character recognition. Basically, there are three steps of character recognition such as character segmentation, feature extraction and classification. In segmentation step, horizontal cropping method is used for line segmentation and vertical cropping method is used for character segmentation. In the Feature extraction step, features are extracted in two ways. The first way is that the 8 features are extracted from the entire input character using eight direction chain code frequency extraction. The second way is that the input character is divided into 16 blocks. For each block, although 8 feature values are obtained through eight-direction chain code frequency extraction method, we define the sum of these 8 feature values as a feature for one block. Therefore, 16 features are extracted from that 16 blocks in the second way. We use the number of holes feature to cluster the similar characters. We can recognize the almost Myanmar common characters with various font sizes by using these features. All these 25 features are used in both training part and testing part. In the classification step, the characters are classified by matching the all features of input character with already trained features of characters.Keywords: chain code frequency, character recognition, feature extraction, features matching, segmentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3212484 Intelligent Human Pose Recognition Based on EMG Signal Analysis and Machine 3D Model
Authors: Si Chen, Quanhong Jiang
In the increasingly mature posture recognition technology, human movement information is widely used in sports rehabilitation, human-computer interaction, medical health, human posture assessment, and other fields today; this project uses the most original ideas; it is proposed to use the collection equipment for the collection of myoelectric data, reflect the muscle posture change on a degree of freedom through data processing, carry out data-muscle three-dimensional model joint adjustment, and realize basic pose recognition. Based on this, bionic aids or medical rehabilitation equipment can be further developed with the help of robotic arms and cutting-edge technology, which has a bright future and unlimited development space.Keywords: pose recognition, 3D animation, electromyography, machine learning, bionics
Procedia PDF Downloads 812483 Smartphone-Based Human Activity Recognition by Machine Learning Methods
Authors: Yanting Cao, Kazumitsu Nawata
As smartphones upgrading, their software and hardware are getting smarter, so the smartphone-based human activity recognition will be described as more refined, complex, and detailed. In this context, we analyzed a set of experimental data obtained by observing and measuring 30 volunteers with six activities of daily living (ADL). Due to the large sample size, especially a 561-feature vector with time and frequency domain variables, cleaning these intractable features and training a proper model becomes extremely challenging. After a series of feature selection and parameters adjustment, a well-performed SVM classifier has been trained.Keywords: smart sensors, human activity recognition, artificial intelligence, SVM
Procedia PDF Downloads 1442482 Multimodal Employee Attendance Management System
Authors: Khaled Mohammed
This paper presents novel face recognition and identification approaches for the real-time attendance management problem in large companies/factories and government institutions. The proposed uses the Minimum Ratio (MR) approach for employee identification. Capturing the authentic face variability from a sequence of video frames has been considered for the recognition of faces and resulted in system robustness against the variability of facial features. Experimental results indicated an improvement in the performance of the proposed system compared to the Previous approaches at a rate between 2% to 5%. In addition, it decreased the time two times if compared with the Previous techniques, such as Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) & Multi-Scale Structural Similarity index (MS-SSIM). Finally, it achieved an accuracy of 99%.Keywords: attendance management system, face detection and recognition, live face recognition, minimum ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 1552481 Human Gait Recognition Using Moment with Fuzzy
Authors: Jyoti Bharti, Navneet Manjhi, M. K.Gupta, Bimi Jain
A reliable gait features are required to extract the gait sequences from an images. In this paper suggested a simple method for gait identification which is based on moments. Moment values are extracted on different number of frames of gray scale and silhouette images of CASIA database. These moment values are considered as feature values. Fuzzy logic and nearest neighbour classifier are used for classification. Both achieved higher recognition.Keywords: gait, fuzzy logic, nearest neighbour, recognition rate, moments
Procedia PDF Downloads 760