Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Functional Store Image and Corporate Social Responsibility Image: A Congruity Analysis on Store Loyalty
Authors: Jamaliah Mohd. Yusof, Rosidah Musa, Sofiah Abd. Rahman
With previous studies that examined the importance of functional store image and CSR, this study is aimed at examining their effects in the self-congruity model in influencing store loyalty. In particular, this study developed and tested a structural model in the context of retailing industry on the self-congruity theory. Whilst much of the self-congruity studies have incorporated functional store image, there has been lack of studies that examined social responsibility image of retail stores in the self-congruity studies. Findings indicate that self-congruity influence on store loyalty was mediated by both functional store image and social responsibility image. In influencing store loyalty, the findings have shown that social responsibility image has a stronger influence on store loyalty than functional store image. This study offers important findings and implications for future research as it presents a new framework on the importance of social responsibility image.Keywords: Self-congruity, functional store image, social responsibility image, store loyalty
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