Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1
Search results for: m-commerce
1 Building Trust of Mobile Users and their Adoption of M-Commerce
Authors: Shafiq Ur Rehman, Jane-Lisa Coughlan
One challenging direction of mobile commerce (mcommerce) that is getting a great deal of attention globally is mobile financing. The smart-phone and PDA users all around the world are facing difficulties to become accustomed and trust in m-commerce. The main rationale can be the slow variation and lack of trust in mobile payment systems. Mobile payment systems that are in use need to be more effective and efficient. This paper proposes: the interface design is not the only factor affecting the m-commerce adoption and lack of trust; in fact it is the combined effect of interface usability and trustworthy mobile payment systems, because it-s the money that the user has to spend at the end of the day, which the user requires to get transferred securely. The purpose of this research is to identify the problems regarding the trust and adaption of m-commerce applications by mobile users and to provide the best possible solution with respect to human computer interaction (HCI) principles.Keywords: m-commerce, usability, mobile payment method, interface design.
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