Search results for: Milind Bharambe
9 Health Expenditure and Household Age Composition in India: Consequences for Health System Development
Authors: Milind Bharambe, Chander Shekhar
India is a vast country with its 1.21 billion population at the dawn of new decade, which accounts for one sixth of the global human capital in the world today. It is well known that health expenditure in India is dominated by private spending. This is an unfortunate consequence of India’s development because of large positive externality associated with health spending, which make health a merit good. This paper has used data from NSSO and Indian Government’s spending on health as reported by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Understanding of the dynamism of age-structure of the population would greatly optimize the expenditure on health care services. A country with good public health indicators is bound to possess good human capital which is an asset to the economic growth and indicator of development status of country. The paper tries to present the linkages between the health expenditure incurred by different states at various levels of demographic transition levels and the efficiency in utilization of health expenditure. It also looks into the way in which allocative efficiency health services can be improved. Paper tries to explore the per capita spending on health and how the demographic transition taking place in different states of India affect the required quantity and quality of health services.Keywords: age structure, demographic transition, health expenditure, morbidity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4058 Revolutionizing Traditional Farming Using Big Data/Cloud Computing: A Review on Vertical Farming
Authors: Milind Chaudhari, Suhail Balasinor
Due to massive deforestation and an ever-increasing population, the organic content of the soil is depleting at a much faster rate. Due to this, there is a big chance that the entire food production in the world will drop by 40% in the next two decades. Vertical farming can help in aiding food production by leveraging big data and cloud computing to ensure plants are grown naturally by providing the optimum nutrients sunlight by analyzing millions of data points. This paper outlines the most important parameters in vertical farming and how a combination of big data and AI helps in calculating and analyzing these millions of data points. Finally, the paper outlines how different organizations are controlling the indoor environment by leveraging big data in enhancing food quantity and quality.Keywords: big data, IoT, vertical farming, indoor farming
Procedia PDF Downloads 1767 Therapeutic Management of Toxocara canis Induced Hepatitis in Dogs
Authors: Milind D. Meshram
Ascarids are the most frequent worm parasite of dogs and cats. There are two species that commonly infect dogs: Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina. Adult roundworms live in the stomach and intestines and can grow to 7 inches (18 cm) long. A female may lay 200,000 eggs in a day. The eggs are protected by a hard shell. They are extremely hardy and can live for months or years in the soil. A dog aged about 6 years, from Satara was referred to Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (TVCC) with a complaint of abdominal pain, anorexia, loss of condition and dull body coat with mucous pale membrane. The clinical examination revealed Anaemia, palpation of abdomen revealed enlargement of liver, slimy feel of the intestine loop, diarrhea.Keywords: therapeutic management, Toxocara canis, induced hepatitis, dogs
Procedia PDF Downloads 5926 Gas Holdups in a Gas-Liquid Upflow Bubble Column With Internal
Authors: C. Milind Caspar, Valtonia Octavio Massingue, K. Maneesh Reddy, K. V. Ramesh
Gas holdup data were obtained from measured pressure drop values in a gas-liquid upflow bubble column in the presence of string of hemispheres promoter internal. The parameters that influenced the gas holdup are gas velocity, liquid velocity, promoter rod diameter, pitch and base diameter of hemisphere. Tap water was used as liquid phase and nitrogen as gas phase. About 26 percent in gas holdup was obtained due to the insertion of promoter in in the present study in comparison with empty conduit. Pitch and rod diameter have not shown any influence on gas holdup whereas gas holdup was strongly influenced by gas velocity, liquid velocity and hemisphere base diameter. Correlation equation was obtained for the prediction of gas holdup by least squares regression analysis.Keywords: bubble column, gas-holdup, two-phase flow, turbulent promoter
Procedia PDF Downloads 1065 Advancements in Truss Design for High-Performance Facades and Roof System: A Structural Analysis
Authors: Milind Anurag
This study investigates cutting-edge truss design improvements, which are specifically adapted to satisfy the structural demands and difficulties associated with high-performance facades and roofs in modern architectural environments. With a growing emphasis on sustainability, energy efficiency, and eye-catching architectural aesthetics, the structural components that support these characteristics play an important part in attaining the right balance of form and function. The paper seeks to contribute to the evolution of truss design methods by combining data from these investigations, giving significant insights for architects, engineers, and researchers interested in the creation of high-performance building envelopes. The findings of this study are meant to inform future design standards and practices, promoting the development of structures that seamlessly integrate architectural innovation with structural robustness and environmental responsibility.Keywords: truss design, high-performance, facades, finite element analysis, structural efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 564 Technique and Use of Machine Readable Dictionary: In Special Reference to Hindi-Marathi Machine Translation
Authors: Milind Patil
Present paper is a discussion on Hindi-Marathi Morphological Analysis and generating rules for Machine Translation on the basis of Machine Readable Dictionary (MRD). This used Transformative Generative Grammar (TGG) rules to design the MRD. As per TGG rules, the suffix of a particular root word is based on its Tense, Aspect, Modality and Voice. That's why the suffix is very important for the word meanings (or root meanings). The Hindi and Marathi Language both have relation with Indo-Aryan language family. Both have been derived from Sanskrit language and their script is 'Devnagari'. But there are lots of differences in terms of semantics and grammatical level too. In Marathi, there are three genders, but in Hindi only two (Masculine and Feminine), the Natural gender is absent in Hindi. Likewise other grammatical categories also differ in their level of use. For MRD the suffixes (or Morpheme) are of particular root word for GNP (Gender, Number and Person) are based on its natural phenomena. A particular Suffix and Morphine change as per the need of person, number and gender. The design of MRD also based on this format. In first, Person, Number, Gender and Tense are key points than root words and suffix of particular Person, Number Gender (PNG). After that the inferences are drawn on the basis of rules that is (V.stem) (Pre.T/Past.T) (x) + (Aux-Pre.T) (x) → (V.Stem.) + (SP.TM) (X).Keywords: MRD, TGG, stem, morph, morpheme, suffix, PNG, TAM&V, root
Procedia PDF Downloads 3253 The Phatic Function and the Socializing Element of Personal Blogs
Authors: Emelia Noronha, Milind Malshe
The phatic function of communication is a vital element of any conversation. This research paper looks into this function with respect to personal blogs maintained by Indian bloggers. This paper is a study into the phenomenon of phatic communication maintained by bloggers through their blogs. Based on a linguistic analysis of the posts of twenty eight Indian bloggers, writing in English, studied over a period of three years, the study indicates that though the blogging phenomenon is not conversational in the same manner as face-to-face communication, it does make ample provision for feedback that is conversational in nature. Ordinary day to day offline conversations use conventionalized phatic utterances; those on the social media are in a perpetual mode of innovation and experimentation in order to sustain contact with its readers. These innovative methods and means are the focus of this study. Though the personal blogger aims to chronicle his/her personal life through the blog, the socializing function is crucial to these bloggers. In comparison to the western personal blogs which focus on the presentation of the ‘bounded individual self’, we find Indian personal bloggers engage in the presentation of their ‘social selves’. These bloggers yearn to reach out to the readers on the internet and the phatic function serves to initiate, sustain and renew social ties on the blogosphere thereby consolidating the social network of readers and bloggers.Keywords: personal blogs, phatic, social-selves, blog readers
Procedia PDF Downloads 3622 Thermal Performance of Reheat, Regenerative, Inter-Cooled Gas Turbine Cycle
Authors: Milind S. Patil, Purushottam S. Desale, Eknath R. Deore
Thermal analysis of reheat, regenerative, inter-cooled gas turbine cycle is presented. Specific work output, thermal efficiency and SFC is simulated with respect to operating conditions. Analytical formulas were developed taking into account the effect of operational parameters like ambient temperature, compression ratio, compressor efficiency, turbine efficiency, regenerator effectiveness, pressure loss in inter cooling, reheating and regenerator. Calculations were made for wide range of parameters using engineering equation solver and the results were presented here. For pressure ratio of 12, regenerator effectiveness 0.95, and maximum turbine inlet temperature 1200 K, thermal efficiency decreases by 27% with increase in ambient temperature (278 K to 328 K). With decrease in regenerator effectiveness thermal efficiency decreases linearly. With increase in ambient temperature (278 K to 328 K) for the same maximum temperature and regenerator effectiveness SFC decreases up to a pressure ratio of 10 and then increases. Sharp rise in SFC is noted for higher ambient temperature. With increase in isentropic efficiency of compressor and turbine, thermal efficiency increases by about 40% for low ambient temperature (278 K to 298 K) however, for higher ambient temperature (308 K to 328 K) thermal efficiency increases by about 70%.Keywords: gas turbine, reheating, regeneration, inter-cooled, thermal analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3381 The Cell Viability Study of Extracts of Bark, Flowers, Leaves and Seeds of Indian Dhak Tree, Flame of Forest
Authors: Madhavi S. Apte, Milind Bhitre
In pharmaceutical research and new drug development, medicinal plants have important roles. Similarly, Indian dhak tree belonging to family Fabaceae has been widely used in the traditional Indian medical system of ‘Ayurveda’ for the treatment of a variety of ailments. Hence the cell viability study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the activity of extracts of various parts like flower, bark, leaf, seed by conducting MTT assay method along with other pharmacognostical studies. The methanolic extracts of bark, flowers, leaves, and seeds were used for the study. The cell viability MTT assay was performed using the standard operating procedures. The extracts were dissolved in DMSO and serially diluted with complete medium to get the concentrations range of test concentration. DMSO concentration was kept < 0.1% in all the samples. HUVEC cells maintained in appropriate conditions were seeded in 96 well plates and treated with different concentrations of the test samples and incubated at 37°C, 5% CO₂ for 96 hours. MTT reagent was added to the wells and incubated for 4 hours; the dark blue formazan product formed by the cells was dissolved in DMSO under a safety cabinet and read at 550nm. Percentage inhibitions were calculated and plotted with the concentrations used to calculate the IC50 values. The bark, flower, leaves and seed extracts have shown the cytotoxicity activity and can be further studied for antiangiogenesis activity.Keywords: pharmacognosy, Cell viability, MTT assay, anti-angiogenesis
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