Systholic Boolean Orthonormalizer Network in Wavelet Domain for Microarray Denoising
Authors: Mario Mastriani
We describe a novel method for removing noise (in wavelet domain) of unknown variance from microarrays. The method is based on the following procedure: We apply 1) Bidimentional Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT-2D) to the Noisy Microarray, 2) scaling and rounding to the coefficients of the highest subbands (to obtain integer and positive coefficients), 3) bit-slicing to the new highest subbands (to obtain bit-planes), 4) then we apply the Systholic Boolean Orthonormalizer Network (SBON) to the input bit-plane set and we obtain two orthonormal otput bit-plane sets (in a Boolean sense), we project a set on the other one, by means of an AND operation, and then, 5) we apply re-assembling, and, 6) rescaling. Finally, 7) we apply Inverse DWT-2D and reconstruct a microarray from the modified wavelet coefficients. Denoising results compare favorably to the most of methods in use at the moment.
Keywords: Bit-Plane, Boolean Orthonormalization Process, Denoising, Microarrays, Wavelets
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