Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Performance Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Based Unified Power Flow Controller
Authors: Lütfü Saribulut, Mehmet Tümay, İlyas Eker
FACTS devices are used to control the power flow, to increase the transmission capacity and to optimize the stability of the power system. One of the most widely used FACTS devices is Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). The controller used in the control mechanism has a significantly effects on controlling of the power flow and enhancing the system stability of UPFC. According to this, the capability of UPFC is observed by using different control mechanisms based on P, PI, PID and fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) in this study. FLC was developed by taking consideration of Takagi- Sugeno inference system in the decision process and Sugeno-s weighted average method in the defuzzification process. Case studies with different operating conditions are applied to prove the ability of UPFC on controlling the power flow and the effectiveness of controllers on the performance of UPFC. PSCAD/EMTDC program is used to create the FLC and to simulate UPFC model.Keywords: FACTS, Fuzzy Logic Controller, UPFC.
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