Boosting Method for Automated Feature Space Discovery in Supervised Quantum Machine Learning Models
Authors: Vladimir Rastunkov, Jae-Eun Park, Abhijit Mitra, Brian Quanz, Steve Wood, Christopher Codella, Heather Higgins, Joseph Broz
Quantum Support Vector Machines (QSVM) have become an important tool in research and applications of quantum kernel methods. In this work we propose a boosting approach for building ensembles of QSVM models and assess performance improvement across multiple datasets. This approach is derived from the best ensemble building practices that worked well in traditional machine learning and thus should push the limits of quantum model performance even further. We find that in some cases, a single QSVM model with tuned hyperparameters is sufficient to simulate the data, while in others - an ensemble of QSVMs that are forced to do exploration of the feature space via proposed method is beneficial.
Keywords: QSVM, Quantum Support Vector Machines, quantum kernel, boosting, ensemble.
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