Design and Implementation of 4 Bit Multiplier Using Fault Tolerant Hybrid Full Adder
Authors: C. Kalamani, V. Abishek Karthick, S. Anitha, K. Kavin Kumar
The fault tolerant system plays a crucial role in the critical applications which are being used in the present scenario. A fault may change the functionality of circuits. Aim of this paper is to design multiplier using fault tolerant hybrid full adder. Fault tolerant hybrid full adder is designed to check and repair any fault in the circuit using self-checking circuit and the self-repairing circuit. Further, the use of conventional logic circuits may result in more area, delay as well as power consumption. In order to reduce these parameters of the circuit, GDI (Gate Diffusion Input) techniques with less number of transistors are used compared to conventional full adder circuit. This reduces the area, delay and power consumption. The proposed method solves the major problems occurring in the most crucial and critical applications.
Keywords: Gate diffusion input, hybrid full adder, self-checking, fault tolerant.
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