Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33179
Two Points Crossover Genetic Algorithm for Loop Layout Design Problem
Authors: Xu LiYun, Briand Florent, Fan GuoLiang
The loop-layout design problem (LLDP) aims at optimizing the sequence of positioning of the machines around the cyclic production line. Traffic congestion is the usual criteria to minimize in this type of problem, i.e. the number of additional cycles spent by each part in the network until the completion of its required routing sequence of machines. This paper aims at applying several improvements mechanisms such as a positioned-based crossover operator for the Genetic Algorithm (GA) called a Two Points Crossover (TPC) and an offspring selection process. The performance of the improved GA is measured using well-known examples from literature and compared to other evolutionary algorithms. Good results show that GA can still be competitive for this type of problem against more recent evolutionary algorithms.Keywords: Crossover, genetic algorithm, layout design problem, loop-layout, manufacturing optimization.
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