Media Literacy Development: A Methodology to Systematically Integrate Post-Contemporary Challenges in Early Childhood Education
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87748
Media Literacy Development: A Methodology to Systematically Integrate Post-Contemporary Challenges in Early Childhood Education

Authors: Ana Mouta, Ana Paulino


The following text presents the ik.model, a theoretical framework that guided the pedagogical implementation of meaningful educational technology-based projects in formal education worldwide. In this paper, we will focus on how this framework has enabled the development of media literacy projects for early childhood education during the last three years. The methodology that guided educators through the challenge of systematically merging analogic and digital means in dialogic high-quality opportunities of world exploration is explained throughout these lines. The effects of this methodology on early age media literacy development are considered. Also considered is the relevance of this skill in terms of post-contemporary challenges posed to learning.

Keywords: early learning, ik.model, media literacy, pedagogy

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