Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87743
Determination of Harmful Important Mite (ACARI) and Nematoda Species, Their Distribution and Their Control Possibility on Garlic and Onion Growing Areas in Turkey
Authors: Cihan Cilbircioğlu
Allium sativum L.(garlic) and Allium. cepa L. (onion) are the most common species of the Allium spp. and are produced at the very high rate all over the world. The yield loss caused by pests is the most important problem in the production of these crops. In the absence of control measures, yield loss would be around 35% on average. The yield loss sometimes depending on the pest species and population density can reach about 100%. Mites and nematodes are the most important pests of them. These pests that cause damage to A. sativum and A. cepa shows a wide range of taxonomic categories. The number of common pest mite and nematode species that cause damage to either A. sativum and A. cepa are over 20 species. In this study, detailed information on morphology, life cycle, management, and symptoms of the economically most important harmful important mite (acari) and nematode species of onion and garlic has been provided through careful survey of corresponding researches in Turkey and given information about new practices and approaches on their controls.Keywords: onion, garlic, pest, acari, nematoda control methods, Turkey
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