Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87758
Representation of the Iranian Community in the Videos of the Instagram Page of the World Health Organization Representative in Iran
Authors: Naeemeh Silvari
The phenomenon of the spread and epidemic of the corona virus caused many aspects of the social life of the people of the world to face various challenges. In this regard, and in order to improve the living conditions of the people, the World Health Organization has tried to publish the necessary instructions for its contacts in the world in the form of its media capacities. Considering the importance of cultural differences in the discussion of health communication and the distinct needs of people in different societies, some production contents were produced and published exclusively. This research has studied six videos published on the official page of the World Health Organization in Iran as a case study. The published content has the least semantic affinity with Iranian culture, and it has been tried to show a uniform image of the Middle East with the predominance of the image of the culture of the developing Arab countries.Keywords: corona, representation, semiotics, instagram, health communication
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