Information Fusion as a Means of Forecasting Expenditures for Regenerating Complex Investment Goods
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33006
Information Fusion as a Means of Forecasting Expenditures for Regenerating Complex Investment Goods

Authors: Steffen C. Eickemeyer, Tim Borcherding, Peter Nyhuis, Hannover


Planning capacities when regenerating complex investment goods involves particular challenges in that the planning is subject to a large degree of uncertainty regarding load information. Using information fusion – by applying Bayesian Networks – a method is being developed for forecasting the anticipated expenditures (human labor, tool and machinery utilization, time etc.) for regenerating a good. The generated forecasts then later serve as a tool for planning capacities and ensure a greater stability in the planning processes.

Keywords: Bayesian networks, capacity planning, complex investment goods, damages library, forecasting, information fusion, regeneration.

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