Data Traffic Dynamics and Saturation on a Single Link
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Data Traffic Dynamics and Saturation on a Single Link

Authors: Reginald D. Smith


The dynamics of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic over Ethernet between two computers are analyzed using nonlinear dynamics which shows that there are two clear regimes in the data flow: free flow and saturated. The two most important variables affecting this are the packet size and packet flow rate. However, this transition is due to a transcritical bifurcation rather than phase transition in models such as in vehicle traffic or theorized large-scale computer network congestion. It is hoped this model will help lay the groundwork for further research on the dynamics of networks, especially computer networks.

Keywords: congestion, packet flow, Internet, traffic dynamics, transcritical bifurcation

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