Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
The Effect of Social Capital on Creativity in Information Systems Development Projects: The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Integration
Authors: Hsiu-Hua Cheng
This study analyzed the creativity of student teams participating in an exploratory information system development project (ISDP) and examined antecedents of their creativity. By using partial least squares (PLS) to analyze a sample of thirty-six teams enrolled in an information system department project training course that required three semesters of project-based lessons, the results found social capitals (structural, relational and cognitive social capital) positively influence knowledge integration. However, relational social capital does not significantly influence knowledge integration. Knowledge integration positively affects team creativity. This study also demonstrated that social capitals significantly influence team creativity through knowledge integration. The implications of our findings for future research are discussed.Keywords: Information system development project (ISDP), Social capital, Knowledge integration, Team creativity.
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