Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Sensitizing Rules for Fuzzy Control Charts
Authors: N. Pekin Alakoç, A. Apaydın
Quality control charts indicate out of control conditions if any nonrandom pattern of the points is observed or any point is plotted beyond the control limits. Nonrandom patterns of Shewhart control charts are tested with sensitizing rules. When the processes are defined with fuzzy set theory, traditional sensitizing rules are insufficient for defining all out of control conditions. This is due to the fact that fuzzy numbers increase the number of out of control conditions. The purpose of the study is to develop a set of fuzzy sensitizing rules, which increase the flexibility and sensitivity of fuzzy control charts. Fuzzy sensitizing rules simplify the identification of out of control situations that results in a decrease in the calculation time and number of evaluations in fuzzy control chart approach.Keywords: Fuzzy set theory, Quality control charts, Run Rules, Unnatural patterns.
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