Fusing Local Binary Patterns with Wavelet Features for Ethnicity Identification
Authors: S. Hma Salah, H. Du, N. Al-Jawad
Ethnicity identification of face images is of interest in many areas of application, but existing methods are few and limited. This paper presents a fusion scheme that uses block-based uniform local binary patterns and Haar wavelet transform to combine local and global features. In particular, the LL subband coefficients of the whole face are fused with the histograms of uniform local binary patterns from block partitions of the face. We applied the principal component analysis on the fused features and managed to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space from 536 down to around 15 without sacrificing too much accuracy. We have conducted a number of preliminary experiments using a collection of 746 subject face images. The test results show good accuracy and demonstrate the potential of fusing global and local features. The fusion approach is robust, making it easy to further improve the identification at both feature and score levels.
Keywords: Ethnicity identification, fusion, local binary patterns, wavelet.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1087015
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