Doping of Conveyor Belt Materials with Nanostructured Fillers to Adapt Innovative Performance Characteristics
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Doping of Conveyor Belt Materials with Nanostructured Fillers to Adapt Innovative Performance Characteristics

Authors: S. Falkenberg, L. Overmeyer


The “conveyor belt" as a product represents a complex high performance component with a wide range of different applications. Further development of these highly complex components demands an integration of new technologies and new enhanced materials. In this context nanostructured fillers appear to have a more promising effect on the performance of the conveyor belt composite than conventional micro-scaled fillers. Within the project “DotTrans" nanostructured fillers, for example silicon dioxide, are used to optimize performance parameters of conveyor belt systems. The objective of the project includes operating parameters like energy consumption or friction characteristics as well as adaptive parameters like cut or wear resistance.

Keywords: Conveyor belt, nanostructured fillers, wear resistance, friction characteristics.

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