Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Two Dimensional Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in the Transition Flow Regime using a Lattice Boltzmann Approach
Authors: Mehdi Shamshiri, Mahmud Ashrafizaadeh
The significant effects of the interactions between the system boundaries and the near wall molecules in miniaturized gaseous devices lead to the formation of the Knudsen layer in which the Navier-Stokes-Fourier (NSF) equations fail to predict the correct associated phenomena. In this paper, the well-known lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is employed to simulate the fluid flow and heat transfer processes in rarefied gaseous micro media. Persuaded by the problematic deficiency of the LBM in capturing the Knudsen layer phenomena, present study tends to concentrate on the effective molecular mean free path concept the main essence of which is to compensate the incapability of this mesoscopic method in dealing with the momentum and energy transport within the above mentioned kinetic boundary layer. The results show qualitative and quantitative accuracy comparable to the solutions of the linearized Boltzmann equation or the DSMC data for the Knudsen numbers of O (1) .Keywords: Fluid flow and Heat transfer, Knudsen layer, Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), Micro-scale numerical simulation, Transition regime.
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