Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Effect of Muscle Loss on Hip Muscular Effort during the Swing Phase of Transfemoral Amputee Gait: A Simulation Study
Authors: Dabiri Y, Najarian S, Eslami M R., Zahedi S, Moser D, Shirzad E, Allami M
The effect of muscle loss due to transfemoral amputation, on energy expenditure of hip joint and individual residual muscles was simulated. During swing phase of gait, with each muscle as an ideal force generator, the lower extremity was modeled as a two-degree of freedom linkage, for which hip and knee were joints. According to results, muscle loss will not lead to higher energy expenditure of hip joint, as long as other parameters of limb remain unaffected. This finding maybe due to the role of biarticular muscles in hip and knee joints motion. Moreover, if hip flexors are removed from the residual limb, residual flexors, and if hip extensors are removed, residual extensors will do more work. In line with the common practice in transfemoral amputation, this result demonstrates during transfemoral amputation, it is important to maintain the length of residual limb as much as possible.Keywords: Amputation Level, Simulation, Transfemoral Amputee.
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