CACSC tool for Automatic Design of Robust Controllers for Hydropower Plants
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
CACSC tool for Automatic Design of Robust Controllers for Hydropower Plants

Authors: Jose J.CarreñoZagarra, Rodolfo Villamizar Mejía


This work describes a CACSD tool for automatic design of robust controllers for hydraulic turbines. The tool calculates the optimal  controller using the MATLAB hinfopt function and it serves as a practical and effective solution for the laborious task of designing a different controller for each type of turbine and generator, and different parameters and conditions of the plant. Results of the simulation of a generating unit subject to parameters variation show the accuracy and efficiency of the obtained robust controllers.

Keywords: Robust Control, Hydroelectric System Turbine, Control H∞, CACSD

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