Species Spreading due to Environmental Hostility, Dispersal Adaptation and Allee Effects
Authors: Sanjeeva Balasuriya
A phenomenological model for species spreading which incorporates the Allee effect, a species- maximum attainable growth rate, collective dispersal rate and dispersal adaptability is presented. This builds on a well-established reaction-diffusion model for spatial spreading of invading organisms. The model is phrased in terms of the “hostility" (which quantifies the Allee threshold in relation to environmental sustainability) and dispersal adaptability (which measures how a species is able to adapt its migratory response to environmental conditions). The species- invading/retreating speed and the sharpness of the invading boundary are explicitly characterised in terms of the fundamental parameters, and analysed in detail.
Keywords: Allee effect, dispersal, migration speed, diffusion, invasion.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1079152
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