Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33179
Evaluating Customer Satisfaction as an Aspect of Quality Management
Authors: Olga V. Krivobokova
A major goal of any enterprise is to create a ratings system of customer satisfaction, goods and services. It is obvious that the company cannot change what is not measured. In order to get a clearer picture of the preferences of the major consumer groups, this stage should be based on extensive research, including a variety of interviews and surveys. It is necessary to know the key benefits, which determine customer satisfaction in the market segment, of the properties of certain goods and services. It is important to estimate the terms of these preferences from the viewpoint of the client. This article discusses the importance of customer satisfaction, and ways of assessing it.Keywords: Costs, customer, evaluation, organization, producer, quality management, satisfaction.
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