Integrating Decision Tree and Spatial Cluster Analysis for Landslide Susceptibility Zonation
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33179
Integrating Decision Tree and Spatial Cluster Analysis for Landslide Susceptibility Zonation

Authors: Chien-Min Chu, Bor-Wen Tsai, Kang-Tsung Chang


Landslide susceptibility map delineates the potential zones for landslide occurrence. Previous works have applied multivariate methods and neural networks for mapping landslide susceptibility. This study proposed a new approach to integrate decision tree model and spatial cluster statistic for assessing landslide susceptibility spatially. A total of 2057 landslide cells were digitized for developing the landslide decision tree model. The relationships of landslides and instability factors were explicitly represented by using tree graphs in the model. The local Getis-Ord statistics were used to cluster cells with high landslide probability. The analytic result from the local Getis-Ord statistics was classed to create a map of landslide susceptibility zones. The map was validated using new landslide data with 482 cells. Results of validation show an accuracy rate of 86.1% in predicting new landslide occurrence. This indicates that the proposed approach is useful for improving landslide susceptibility mapping.

Keywords: Landslide susceptibility Zonation, Decision treemodel, Spatial cluster, Local Getis-Ord statistics.

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