The Effect of Job Motivation, Work Environment and Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Job Satisfaction and Public Service Quality in Magetan, East Java,Indonesia
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
The Effect of Job Motivation, Work Environment and Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Job Satisfaction and Public Service Quality in Magetan, East Java,Indonesia

Authors: Budiyanto, Hening Widi Oetomo


Magetan area is going to be the object of this research which is located in East Java, Indonesia. The data were obtained from 270 civil servants working at the Magetan District government. The data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Square program. The research showed the following findings: (1) job motivation variable has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB); (2) work environment has positive and significant effect on OCB; (3) leadership variable has positive and significant effect on OCB; (4) job motivation variable has no significant effect on job satisfaction; (5) work environment variable has no significant effect on job satisfaction; (6) leadership variable has no significant effect on job satisfaction; (7) OCB is positively and significantly associated with job satisfaction; (8) job satisfaction variable is positively and significantly correlated with quality of public service at the Magetan District government.

Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Leadership, OrganizationalCitizenship Behavior (OCB), Quality of Public Service

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