Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33179
Experimental Investigation of S-Rotors in Open and Bounded Flows
Authors: Hussain H. Al-Kayiem, Goh Jin Ming
The common practice of operating S-rotor is in an open environment; however there are times when the rotor is installed in a bounded environment and there might be changes in the performance of the rotor. This paper presents the changes in the performance of S-rotor when operated in bounded flows. The investigation was conducted experimentally to compare the performance of the rotors in bounded environment against open environment. Three different rotors models were designed, fabricated and subjected to experimental measurements. All of the three models were having 600 mm height and 300 mm Diameter. They were tested in three different flow environments; namely: partially bounded environment, fully bounded environment and open environment. Rotors were found to have better starting up capabilities when operated in bounded environment. Apart from that, all rotors manage to achieve higher Power and Torque Coefficients at a higher Tip Speed Ratio as compared to the open environment.Keywords: Bounded Flows, Savonius Rotor, Wind Turbine, Wind energy, VAWT
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