Multi-Agent Systems for Intelligent Clustering
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33181
Multi-Agent Systems for Intelligent Clustering

Authors: Jung-Eun Park, Kyung-Whan Oh


Intelligent systems are required in order to quickly and accurately analyze enormous quantities of data in the Internet environment. In intelligent systems, information extracting processes can be divided into supervised learning and unsupervised learning. This paper investigates intelligent clustering by unsupervised learning. Intelligent clustering is the clustering system which determines the clustering model for data analysis and evaluates results by itself. This system can make a clustering model more rapidly, objectively and accurately than an analyzer. The methodology for the automatic clustering intelligent system is a multi-agent system that comprises a clustering agent and a cluster performance evaluation agent. An agent exchanges information about clusters with another agent and the system determines the optimal cluster number through this information. Experiments using data sets in the UCI Machine Repository are performed in order to prove the validity of the system.

Keywords: Intelligent Clustering, Multi-Agent System, PCA, SOM, VC(Variance Criterion)

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