An Interactive Web-based Simulation Tool for Surgical Thread
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33181
An Interactive Web-based Simulation Tool for Surgical Thread

Authors: A. Ruimi, S. Goyal, B. M. Nour


Interactive web-based computer simulations are needed by the medical community to replicate the experience of surgical procedures as closely and realistically as possible without the need to practice on corpses, animals and/or plastic models. In this paper, we offer a review on current state of the research on simulations of surgical threads, identify future needs and present our proposed plans to meet them. Our goal is to create a physics-based simulator, which will predict the behavior of surgical thread when subjected to conditions commonly encountered during surgery. To that end, we will i) develop three dimensional finite element models based on the Cosserat theory of elasticity ii) test and feedback results with the medical community and iii) develop a web-based user interface to run/command our simulator and visualize the results. The impacts of our research are that i) it will contribute to the development of a new generation of training for medical school students and ii) the simulator will be useful to expert surgeons in developing new, better and less risky procedures.

Keywords: Cosserat rod-theory, FEM simulations, Modeling, Surgical thread.

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