Labyrinth Fractal on a Convex Quadrilateral
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33181
Labyrinth Fractal on a Convex Quadrilateral

Authors: Harsha Gopalakrishnan, Srijanani Anurag Prasad


Quadrilateral Labyrinth Fractals are a type of fractals presented in this paper. They belong to a unique class of fractals on any plane quadrilateral. The previously researched labyrinth fractals on the unit square and triangle inspire this form of fractal. This work describes how to construct a quadrilateral labyrinth fractal and looks at the circumstances in which it can be understood as the attractor of an iterated function system. Furthermore, some of its topological properties and the Hausdorff and box-counting dimensions of the quadrilateral labyrinth fractals are studied.

Keywords: Fractals, labyrinth fractals, dendrites, iterated function system, non-self similar, non-self affine, connected, path connected.

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