An Evaluation of Neural Network Efficacies for Image Recognition on Edge-AI Computer Vision Platform
Image recognition enables machine-like robotics to understand a scene and plays an important role in computer vision applications. Computer vision platforms as physical infrastructure, supporting Neural Networks for image recognition, are deterministic to leverage the performance of different Neural Networks. In this paper, three different computer vision platforms – edge AI (Jetson Nano, with 4GB), a standalone laptop (with RTX 3000s, using CUDA), and a web-based device (Google Colab, using GPU) are investigated. In the case study, four prominent neural network architectures (including AlexNet, VGG16, GoogleNet, and ResNet (34/50)), are deployed. By using public ImageNets (Cifar-10), our findings provide a nuanced perspective on optimizing image recognition tasks across Edge-AI platforms, offering guidance on selecting appropriate neural network structures to maximize performance under hardware constraints.
Keywords: AlexNet, VGG, GoogleNet, ResNet, ImageNet, Cifar-10, Edge AI, Jetson Nano, CUDA, GPU.
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