Auditory Brainstem Response in Wave VI for the Detection of Learning Disabilities
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Auditory Brainstem Response in Wave VI for the Detection of Learning Disabilities

Authors: M.Victoria Garcia-Camba, M.Isabel Garcia-Planas


The use of brain stem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) is a common way to study the hearing function of people, a way to learn the functionality of a part of the brain neuronal groups that intervene in the learning process by studying the behaviour of wave VI. The latest advances in neuroscience have revealed the existence of different brain activity in the learning process that can be highlighted through the use of innocuous, low-cost and easy-access techniques such as, among others, the BAEP that can help us to detect early possible neurodevelopmental difficulties for their subsequent assessment and cure. To date and the authors best knowledge, only the latency data obtained, observing the first to V waves and mainly in the left ear, were taken into account. This work shows that it is essential to consider both ears; with these latest data, it has been possible to diagnose more precisely some cases than with the previous data had been diagnosed as “normal”despite showing signs of some alteration that motivated the new consultation to the specialist.

Keywords: Ear, neurodevelopment, auditory evoked potentials, intervals of normality, learning disabilities.

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