Real-Time Episodic Memory Construction for Optimal Action Selection in Cognitive Robotics
Authors: Deon de Jager, Yahya Zweiri, Dimitrios Makris
The three most important components in the cognitive architecture for cognitive robotics is memory representation, memory recall, and action-selection performed by the executive. In this paper, action selection, performed by the executive, is defined as a memory quantification and optimization process. The methodology describes the real-time construction of episodic memory through semantic memory optimization. The optimization is performed by set-based particle swarm optimization, using an adaptive entropy memory quantification approach for fitness evaluation. The performance of the approach is experimentally evaluated by simulation, where a UAV is tasked with the collection and delivery of a medical package. The experiments show that the UAV dynamically uses the episodic memory to autonomously control its velocity, while successfully completing its mission.
Keywords: Cognitive robotics, semantic memory, episodic memory, maximum entropy principle, particle swarm optimization.
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