Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Development of a Harvest Mechanism for the Kahramanmaraş Chili Pepper
Authors: O. E. Akay, E. Güzel, M. T. Özcan
The pepper has quite a rich variety. The development of a single harvesting machine for all kinds of peppers is a difficult research topic. By development of harvesting mechanisms, we could be able to facilitate the pepper harvesting problems. In this study, an experimental harvesting machine was designed for chili pepper. Four-bar mechanism was used for the design of the prototype harvesting machine. At the result of harvest trials, 80% of peppers were harvested and 8% foreign materials were collected. These results have provided some tips on how to apply to large-scale pepper Four-bar mechanism of the harvest machine.Keywords: Kinematic simulation, four bar linkage, harvest mechanization, pepper harvest.
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