Creative Experience and Revisit Intention of Handmade Oriental Parasol Umbrella in Kaohsiung
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Creative Experience and Revisit Intention of Handmade Oriental Parasol Umbrella in Kaohsiung

Authors: Yi-Ju Lee


This study identified the hypothesised relationship between creative experience, and revisit intention of handmade oriental parasol umbrella in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. A face-to-face questionnaire survey was administered in Meinong town, Kaohsiung. The components of creative experience were found as “sense of achievement”, “unique learning” and “interaction with instructors” in creative tourism. The result also revealed significant positive relationships between creative experience and revisit intention in handmade activities. This paper provides additional suggestions for enhancing revisit intention and guidance regarding creative tourism.

Keywords: Creative tourism, Sense of achievement, Unique learning, Interaction with instructors, Folk art.

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