Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
How to Affect Brand Attitude with Authenticity in Advertising
Authors: Yun-Chia Tang, Hung-Chang Chiu
Authenticity in advertising is the cornerstone of modern marketing. Despite research advances related to the role of authenticity in marketing, it remains unclear why customers respond to authentic brand stories. The results show that different personality traits will moderate the influence of different authenticity on the levels of emotion. Whether indexically authentic or iconically authentic advertisements were shown to extroverts, open people and agreeable people, they will evoke more positive emotions. When neurotic people and conscientious people see the iconically authentic advertising rather than the indexically authentic advertising, they will produce more negative emotions. In addition, the emotion evoked by advertising had significant positive impact on brand attitude evoked by advertising had significant negative impact on brand attitude. These findings provide some managerial implications and directions for further research.Keywords: Advertising, authenticity, emotion, personality traits.
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