Trade Policy and Economic Growth of Turkey in Global Economy: New Empirical Evidences
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33019
Trade Policy and Economic Growth of Turkey in Global Economy: New Empirical Evidences

Authors: Pınar Yardımcı


This paper tries to answer to the questions whether or not trade openness causes economic growth and trade policy changes are good for Turkey as a developing country in global economy before and after 1980. We employ Johansen co-integration and Granger causality tests with error correction modeling based on vector autoregressive. Using WDI data from the pre-1980 and the post-1980, we find that trade openness and economic growth are cointegrated in the second term only. Also the results suggest a lack of long-run causality between our two variables. These findings may imply that trade policy of Turkey should concentrate more on extra complementary economic reforms.

Keywords: Globalization, Trade Policy, Economic Growth, Openness, Co-integration, Turkey.

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