Search results for: SDSM
5 Combination of the Hydrological Model and SDSM for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Future Water Resources in the R’dom Watershed, Morocco
Authors: Abdennabi Alitane, Ali Essahlaoui, Ahmed M. Saqr, Sabine Sauvage, José-Miguel Sánchez-Pérez, Ann Van Griensven
Climate change effect of on water resources in semi-arid regions can be serious, it is essential to understand the effects of climate change on the water balance in order to develop sustainable adaptation strategies. This research project examined the impact of climate change on the components of the water balance in a R'Dom hydrological watershed in the Mediterranean region. The assessment of climate change impact on the future hydrology is done by using the SDSM (Statistical DownScaling Model) and SWAT+ (The Soil and Water Assessment Tool) hydrological model during the baseline period (2002–2013), the data was analyzed and compared to future climate projections . The future projections of the global circulation model canEMS2 under the RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios were statically downscaled for a period (2014–2100). Afterwards, the SWAT+ model is simulated for the period from 2000 to 2013, calibrated from 2002 to 2007, and validated from 2008 to 2013 using monthly streamflow data. The model results showed good performance with an NSE of 0.72 and R2 of 0.71 during the validation period. The future precipitation shows a decreasing tendency under all scenarios, with -6.59%, -2.86%, and -2.57% for RCPaveg 2.6, RCPaveg 4.5, and RCPaveg 8.5, respectively. On other hand, the average monthly streamflow of R’Dom river in the near future (2014–2043) will decrease by 44–48%, decrease by 36–48% in the Medium period (2044–2071) and decrease by 43–52% in the period (2072–2100) under the three RCP scenarios. Regarding the water balance components changes, the average annual of actual evapotranspiration is predicted to increase from 5% to 9% under the three RCP scenarios for the three future study periods. Projected average annual flows are expected to decrease by 37% to 90% under the three RCP scenarios over the three future periods. In general, the current scientific research context and the results obtained from the methodology applied will help to optimize future water planning in semi-arid regions in the face of climate change.Keywords: climate change, water balance, R'Dom watershed, SDSM, SWAT+ model
Procedia PDF Downloads 144 Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Maize (Zea Mays) Yield in Central Ethiopia
Authors: Takele Nemomsa, Girma Mamo, Tesfaye Balemi
Climate change refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g. using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or variance of its properties and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer. In Ethiopia; Maize production in relation to climate change at regional and sub- regional scales have not been studied in detail. Thus, this study was aimed to analyse the impact of climate change on maize yield in Ambo Districts, Central Ethiopia. To this effect, weather data, soil data and maize experimental data for Arganne hybrid were used. APSIM software was used to investigate the response of maize (Zea mays) yield to different agronomic management practices using current and future (2020s–2080s) climate data. The climate change projections data which were downscaled using SDSM were used as input of climate data for the impact analysis. Compared to agronomic practices the impact of climate change on Arganne in Central Ethiopia is minute. However, within 2020s-2080s in Ambo area; the yield of Arganne hybrid is projected to reduce by 1.06% to 2.02%, and in 2050s it is projected to reduce by 1.56 While in 2080s; it is projected to increase by 1.03% to 2.07%. Thus, to adapt to the changing climate; farmers should consider increasing plant density and fertilizer rate per hectare.Keywords: APSIM, downscaling, response, SDSM
Procedia PDF Downloads 3903 Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Hydrology of Upper Guder Catchment, Upper Blue Nile
Authors: Fikru Fentaw Abera
Climate changes alter regional hydrologic conditions and results in a variety of impacts on water resource systems. Such hydrologic changes will affect almost every aspect of human well-being. The goal of this paper is to assess the impact of climate change on the hydrology of Upper Guder catchment located in northwest of Ethiopia. The GCM derived scenarios (HadCM3 A2a & B2a SRES emission scenarios) experiments were used for the climate projection. The statistical downscaling model (SDSM) was used to generate future possible local meteorological variables in the study area. The down-scaled data were then used as input to the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model to simulate the corresponding future stream flow regime in Upper Guder catchment of the Abay River Basin. A semi distributed hydrological model, SWAT was developed and Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) was utilized for uncertainty analysis. GLUE is linked with SWAT in the Calibration and Uncertainty Program known as SWAT-CUP. Three benchmark periods simulated for this study were 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. The time series generated by GCM of HadCM3 A2a and B2a and Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) indicate a significant increasing trend in maximum and minimum temperature values and a slight increasing trend in precipitation for both A2a and B2a emission scenarios in both Gedo and Tikur Inch stations for all three bench mark periods. The hydrologic impact analysis made with the downscaled temperature and precipitation time series as input to the hydrological model SWAT suggested for both A2a and B2a emission scenarios. The model output shows that there may be an annual increase in flow volume up to 35% for both emission scenarios in three benchmark periods in the future. All seasons show an increase in flow volume for both A2a and B2a emission scenarios for all time horizons. Potential evapotranspiration in the catchment also will increase annually on average 3-15% for the 2020s and 7-25% for the 2050s and 2080s for both A2a and B2a emissions scenarios.Keywords: climate change, Guder sub-basin, GCM, SDSM, SWAT, SWAT-CUP, GLUE
Procedia PDF Downloads 3712 Climate Change and Landslide Risk Assessment in Thailand
Authors: Shotiros Protong
The incidents of sudden landslides in Thailand during the past decade have occurred frequently and more severely. It is necessary to focus on the principal parameters used for analysis such as land cover land use, rainfall values, characteristic of soil and digital elevation model (DEM). The combination of intense rainfall and severe monsoons is increasing due to global climate change. Landslide occurrences rapidly increase during intense rainfall especially in the rainy season in Thailand which usually starts around mid-May and ends in the middle of October. The rain-triggered landslide hazard analysis is the focus of this research. The combination of geotechnical and hydrological data are used to determine permeability, conductivity, bedding orientation, overburden and presence of loose blocks. The regional landslide hazard mapping is developed using the Slope Stability Index SINMAP model supported on Arc GIS software version 10.1. Geological and land use data are used to define the probability of landslide occurrences in terms of geotechnical data. The geological data can indicate the shear strength and the angle of friction values for soils above given rock types, which leads to the general applicability of the approach for landslide hazard analysis. To address the research objectives, the methods are described in this study: setup and calibration of the SINMAP model, sensitivity of the SINMAP model, geotechnical laboratory, landslide assessment at present calibration and landslide assessment under future climate simulation scenario A2 and B2. In terms of hydrological data, the millimetres/twenty-four hours of average rainfall data are used to assess the rain triggered landslide hazard analysis in slope stability mapping. During 1954-2012 period, is used for the baseline of rainfall data at the present calibration. The climate change in Thailand, the future of climate scenarios are simulated by spatial and temporal scales. The precipitation impact is need to predict for the climate future, Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) version 4.2, is used to assess the simulation scenario of future change between latitude 16o 26’ and 18o 37’ north and between longitude 98o 52’ and 103o 05’ east by SDSM software. The research allows the mapping of risk parameters for landslide dynamics, and indicates the spatial and time trends of landslide occurrences. Thus, regional landslide hazard mapping under present-day climatic conditions from 1954 to 2012 and simulations of climate change based on GCM scenarios A2 and B2 from 2013 to 2099 related to the threshold rainfall values for the selected the study area in Uttaradit province in the northern part of Thailand. Finally, the landslide hazard mapping will be compared and shown by areas (km2 ) in both the present and the future under climate simulation scenarios A2 and B2 in Uttaradit province.Keywords: landslide hazard, GIS, slope stability index (SINMAP), landslides, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 5661 Analysis of Sustainability of Groundwater Resources in Rote Island, Indonesia under HADCM3 Global Model Climate Scenarios: Groundwater Flow Simulation and Proposed Adaptive Strategies
Authors: Dua K. S. Y. Klaas, Monzur A. Imteaz, Ika Sudiayem, Elkan M. E. Klaas, Eldav C. M. Klaas
Developing tailored management strategies to ensure the sustainability of groundwater resource under climate and demographic changes is critical for tropical karst island, where relatively small watershed and highly porous soil nature make this natural resource highly susceptible and thus very sensitive to those changes. In this study, long-term impacts of climate variability on groundwater recharge and discharge at the Oemau spring, Rote Island, Indonesia were investigated. Following calibration and validation of groundwater model using MODFLOW code, groundwater flow was simulated for period of 2020-2090 under HadCM3 global model climate (GCM) scenarios, using input data of weather variables downscaled by Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM). The reported analysis suggests that the sustainability of groundwater resources will be adversely affected by climate change during dry years. The area is projected to variably experience 2.53-22.80% decrease of spring discharge. A subsequent comprehensive set of management strategies as palliative and adaptive efforts was proposed to be implemented by relevant stakeholders to assist the community dealing with water deficit during the dry years. Three main adaptive strategies, namely socio-cultural, technical, and ecological measures, were proposed by incorporating physical and socio-economic characteristics of the area. This study presents a blueprint for assessing groundwater sustainability under climate change scenarios and developing tailored management strategies to cope with adverse impacts of climate change, which may become fundamental necessities across other tropical karst islands in the future.Keywords: climate change, groundwater, management strategies, tropical karst island, Rote Island, Indonesia
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