Search results for: Ü. Parm
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 4

Search results for: Ü. Parm

4 Authentication Based on Hand Movement by Low Dimensional Space Representation

Authors: Reut Lanyado, David Mendlovic


Most biological methods for authentication require special equipment and, some of them are easy to fake. We proposed a method for authentication based on hand movement while typing a sentence with a regular camera. This technique uses the full video of the hand, which is harder to fake. In the first phase, we tracked the hand joints in each frame. Next, we represented a single frame for each individual using our Pose Agnostic Rotation and Movement (PARM) dimensional space. Then, we indicated a full video of hand movement in a fixed low dimensional space using this method: Fixed Dimension Video by Interpolation Statistics (FDVIS). Finally, we identified each individual in the FDVIS representation using unsupervised clustering and supervised methods. Accuracy exceeds 96% for 80 individuals by using supervised KNN.

Keywords: authentication, feature extraction, hand recognition, security, signal processing

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3 Nursing Students Assessment to the Clinical Learning Environment and Mentoring in Children Nursing

Authors: Lily Parm, Irma Nool, Liina Männiksaar, Mare Tupits, Ivi Prits, Merilin Kuhi, Valentina Raudsepp


Background: The results of previous clinical satisfaction surveys show that nursing students swhounderw entinternships in the pediatricwardhadthelowestsatisfactioncomparedtootherwards, but the quality of students' practicaltrainingexperienceisanimportant determinant in nursing education. The aim of theresearchwastodescribenursingstudents` assessment to the clinical learning environment and supervision in pediatric wards Method: Theresearchisquantitative. All studentswhohadpracticaltraining in the pediatric ward participated in the study (N = 39). FordatacollectionClinicalLearningEnvironment, Supervision, and NurseTeacher (CLES + T) evaluationscalewasused, wherethescalewasanswered on a 5-point Likert scale. In addition, 10 backgroundvariableswereused in the questionnaire. IBM SPSS Statistics 28.0 wasusedfordataanalysis. Descriptive statistics and Spearmanncorrelationanalysiswasusedtofindcorrelatinsbetweenbackgroundvariables and satisfaction with supervision.Permissiontoconductthestudy (No 695) hasbeenobtainedbytheEthicsCommittee of theInstituteforHealthDevelopment. Results: Of therespondents, 28 (71.8%) werefirst-year, 9 (23.1%) second-year and 2 (5.1%) fourth-yearstudents. Thelargestshare of the last practicaltrainigwas in nursing, with 27 (69.2%) respondents. Mainlythementorswerenursesfor 32 (82,1%) of students.Satisfactionwiththementoring (4.4 ± 0.83) and wardnursemanager`sleaderhiostyle (4.4 ± 0.7), ratedthehighest and therole of thenurseteacherwasratedthelowest (3,7 ± 0.83.In Spearmann'scorrelationanalysis, therewas a statisticallystrongcorrelationbetween a positiveattitudetowardsthesupervisor'ssupervision and receivingfeedbackfromthesupervisor (r =0.755; p <0.001), studentsatisfactionwithsupervision (r = 0.742; p <0.001), supervisionbased on cooperation (r = 0.77) and instructionbased on theprinciple of equalitythatpromotedlearning (r = 0.755; p <0.001). Conclusions: Theresults of theresearchshowedhighsatisfactionwiththesupervisionand therole of wardmanager. Stillbettercooperationisneededbetweenpracticalplacement and nursingschooltoenhancethestudents`satisfactionwithsupervision.

Keywords: CLES+T, clinical environment, nurse teacher, statisfaction, pediatric ward, mentorship

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2 The Impact of Coffee Consumption to Body Mass Index and Body Composition

Authors: A.L. Tamm, N. Šott, J. Jürimäe, E. Lätt, A. Orav, Ü. Parm


Coffee is one of the most frequently consumed beverages in the world but still its effects on human organism are not completely understood. Coffee has also been used as a method for weight loss, but its effectiveness has not been proved. There is also not similar comprehension in classifying overweight in choosing between body mass index (BMI) and fat percentage (fat%). The aim of the study was to determine associations between coffee consumption and body composition. Secondly, to detect which measure (BMI or fat%) is more accurate to use describing overweight. Altogether 103 persons enrolled the study and divided into three groups: coffee non-consumers (n=39), average coffee drinkers, who consumed 1 to 4 cups (1 cup = ca 200ml) of coffee per day (n=40) and excessive coffee consumers, who drank at least five cups of coffee per day (n=24). Body mass (medical electronic scale, A&D Instruments, Abingdon, UK) and height (Martin metal anthropometer to the nearest 0.1 cm) were measured and BMI calculated (kg/m2). Participants´ body composition was detected with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA, Hologic) and general data (history of chronic diseases included) and information about coffee consumption, and physical activity level was collected with questionnaires. Results of the study showed that excessive coffee consumption was associated with increased fat-free mass. It could be foremost due to greater physical activity level in school time or greater (not significant) male proportion in excessive coffee consumers group. For estimating the overweight the fat% in comparison to BMI recommended, as it gives more accurate results evaluating chronical disease risks. In conclusion coffee consumption probably does not affect body composition and for estimating the body composition fat% seems to be more accurate compared with BMI.

Keywords: body composition, body fat percentage, body mass index, coffee consumption

Procedia PDF Downloads 398
1 The Reasons for Vegetarianism in Estonia and its Effects to Body Composition

Authors: Ülle Parm, Kata Pedamäe, Jaak Jürimäe, Evelin Lätt, Aivar Orav, Anna-Liisa Tamm


Vegetarianism has gained popularity across the world. It`s being chosen for multiple reasons, but among Estonians, these have remained unknown. Previously, attention to bone health and probable nutrient deficiency of vegetarians has been paid and in vegetarians lower body mass index (BMI) and blood cholesterol level has been found but the results are inconclusive. The goal was to explain reasons for choosing vegetarian diet in Estonia and impact of vegetarianism to body composition – BMI, fat percentage (fat%), fat mass (FM), and fat free mass (FFM). The study group comprised of 68 vegetarians and 103 omnivorous. The determining body composition with DXA (Hologic) was concluded in 2013. Body mass (medical electronic scale, A&D Instruments, Abingdon, UK) and height (Martin metal anthropometer to the nearest 0.1 cm) were measured and BMI calculated (kg/m2). General data (physical activity level included) was collected with questionnaires. The main reasons why vegetarianism was chosen were the healthiness of the vegetarian diet (59%) and the wish to fight for animal rights (72%) Food additives were consumed by less than half of vegetarians, more often by men. Vegetarians had lower BMI than omnivores, especially amongst men. Based on BMI classification, vegetarians were less obese than omnivores. However, there were no differences in the FM, FFM and fat percentage figures of the two groups. Higher BMI might be the cause of higher physical activity level among omnivores compared with vegetarians. For classifying people as underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese both BMI and fat% criteria were used. By BMI classification in comparison with fat%, more people in the normal weight group were considered; by using fat% in comparison with BMI classification, however, more people categorized as overweight. It can be concluded that the main reasons for vegetarianism chosen in Estonia are healthiness of the vegetarian diet and the wish to fight for animal rights and vegetarian diet has no effect on body fat percentage, FM and FFM.

Keywords: body composition, body fat percentage, body mass index, vegetarianism

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