'Value-Based Re-Framing' in Identity-Based Conflicts: A Skill for Mediators in Multi-Cultural Societies
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87743
'Value-Based Re-Framing' in Identity-Based Conflicts: A Skill for Mediators in Multi-Cultural Societies

Authors: Hami-Ziniman Revital, Ashwall Rachelly


The conflict resolution realm has developed tremendously during the last half-decade. Three main approaches should be mentioned: an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) suggesting processes such as Arbitration or Interests-based Negotiation was developed as an answer to obligations and rights-based conflicts. The Pragmatic mediation approach focuses on the gap between interests and needs of disputants. The Transformative mediation approach focusses on relations and suits identity-based conflicts. In the current study, we examine the conflictual relations between religious and non-religious Jews in Israel and the impact of three transformative mechanisms: Inter-group recognition, In-group empowerment and Value-based reframing on the relations between the participants. The research was conducted during four facilitated joint mediation classes. A unique finding was found. Using both transformative mechanisms and the Contact Hypothesis criteria, we identify transformation in participants’ relations and a considerable change from anger, alienation, and suspiciousness to an increased understanding, affection and interpersonal concern towards the out-group members. Intergroup Recognition, In-group empowerment, and Values-based reframing were the skills discovered as the main enablers of the change in the relations and the research participants’ fostered mutual recognition of the out-group values and identity-based issues. We conclude this transformation was possible due to a constant intergroup contact, based on the Contact Hypothesis criteria. In addition, as Interests-based mediation uses “Reframing” as a skill to acknowledge both mutual and opposite needs of the disputants, we suggest the use of “Value-based Reframing” in intergroup identity-based conflicts, as a skill contributes to the empowerment and the recognition of both mutual and different out-group values. We offer to implement those insights and skills to assist conflict resolution facilitators in various intergroup identity-based conflicts resolution efforts and to establish further research and knowledge.

Keywords: empowerment, identity-based conflict, intergroup recognition, intergroup relations, mediation skills, multi-cultural society, reframing, value-based recognition

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