The Implementation of the European Landscape Convention in Turkey: Opportunities and Constraints
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87748
The Implementation of the European Landscape Convention in Turkey: Opportunities and Constraints

Authors: Tutku Ak, Abdullah Kelkit, Cihad Öztürk


An increase has been witnessed with the number of multinational environmental agreements in the past decade, particularly in Europe. Success with implementation, however, shows variation. While many countries are willing to join these agreements, they do not always fully honor their obligations to put their commitments into practice. One reason for this is that countries have different legal and administrative systems. One example of an international multilateral environmental agreement is the European Landscape Convention (ELC). ELC expresses a concern to achieve sustainable development based on a balanced and harmonious relationship between social needs, economic activity, and the environment. Member states are required to implement the convention in accordance with their own administrative structure, respecting subsidiarity. In particular, the importance of cooperation in the protection, management, and planning of the resources is expressed through the convention. In this paper, it is intended to give a broad view of ELC’s implementation process in Turkey and what factors have influenced by the process. Under this context, the paper will focus on the objectives of the convention for addressing the issue of the loss of European landscapes, and the justification and tools used to accomplish these objectives. The degree to which these objectives have been implemented in Turkey and the opportunities and constraints that have been faced during this process have been discussed.

Keywords: European landscape convention, implementation, multinational environmental agreements, policy tools

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