Environment and Health Quality in Urban Slums of Chandigarh: A Case Study
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87746
Environment and Health Quality in Urban Slums of Chandigarh: A Case Study

Authors: Ritu Sarsoha


According to World Summit 2002 health is an integral component of sustainable development. Due to overpopulation and lack of employment opportunities in villages and small towns, the rural youth tend to migrate to the big cities causing mushrooming of slums. These slums lack most of the basic necessities of life particularly regarding environmental pollution and appropriate health care system. Present paper deals with the socio-economic and environmental status of people living in slum area of Chandigarh which has now grown as a big city today as it has become a hub for the migrants from U. P. and Bihar. Here is a case study of Colony no. 5 of Chandigarh which is divided into more than one block.

Keywords: slum, socio-economic, environment pollution, health

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