Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87758
Scaling Analysis for the Liquefaction Phenomena Generated by Water Waves
Authors: E. Arcos, E. Bautista, F. Méndez
In this work, a scaling analysis of the liquefaction phenomena is presented. The characteristic scales are obtained by balancing term by term of the well-known partial dynamics governing equations, (U − P). From the above, the order of magnitude of the horizontal displacement is very smaller compared with the vertical displacement and therefore the governing equation is only a function of the dependent vertical variables. The U − P approximation is reduced and presented in its dimensionless version. This scaling analysis can be used to obtain analytical solutions of the liquefaction phenomena under the action of the water waves.Keywords: approximation U-P, porous seabed, scaling analysis, water waves
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