Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87758
Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis to Test the Dimensional Structure of Tourism Service Quality
Authors: Ibrahim A. Elshaer, Alaa M. Shaker
Several previous empirical studies have operationalized service quality as either a multidimensional or unidimensional construct. While few earlier studies investigated some practices of the assumed dimensional structure of service quality, no study has been found to have tested the construct’s dimensionality using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). To gain a better insight into the dimensional structure of service quality construct, this paper tests its dimensionality using three CFA models (higher order factor model, oblique factor model, and one factor model) on a set of data collected from 390 British tourists visited Egypt. The results of the three tests models indicate that service quality construct is multidimensional. This result helps resolving the problems that might arise from the lack of clarity concerning the dimensional structure of service quality, as without testing the dimensional structure of a measure, researchers cannot assume that the significant correlation is a result of factors measuring the same construct.Keywords: service quality, dimensionality, confirmatory factor analysis, Egypt
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