Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87748
Measures for Conflict Management in Nigerian Higher Institutions
Authors: Oyelade Oluwatoyin
The phenomenon of crises in educational sector in Nigeria has reached its peak in the 21st century. Thus, this paper examines the strategies that can be used in managing the conflict situation in Nigeria Higher Institution of learning. The causes of conflicts such as inadequate funding, insufficient school facilities, poor working condition, poor enrolment, proliferation of higher institutions and unfavourable administrative decision are the major detriment of law and order i.e. strike action, destruction of property and programmes coupled with the student unrest. This write-up will make use of the available information and with the aim of adding value to existing knowledge. It was recommend that steps should be taken by policy maker to prevent scourge of conflicts in tertiary institutions in NigeriaKeywords: conflicts, higher institutions, management, measures
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