Investigation of Fusion Reactions in ¹⁶O + ¹⁵⁶Gd System
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 88656
Investigation of Fusion Reactions in ¹⁶O + ¹⁵⁶Gd System

Authors: Rahbar Ali, Nitin Sharma, Dharmendra Singh, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, M. Afzal Ansari


Heavy-ion-induced reactions on intermediate-mass targets are inherently complex, particularly at low energy levels. The study of these nuclear reactions, especially complete and incomplete fusion reactions, is of utmost importance to nuclear physicists. Researchers have demonstrated interest in exploring the mechanisms of nuclear reactions using heavy-ion beams at energies below 10 MeV/nucleon. In this study, the reaction mechanism of ¹⁶O⁷+ projectiles incident on a ¹⁵⁶Gd target at beam energies ranging from 4 to 7 MeV/nucleon was investigated. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying processes, the excitation functions of evaporation residues produced via complete fusion (CF) and/or incomplete fusion (ICF) were measured. The evaporation residues were populated through xn/pxn and αxn/αpxn emission channels. The measured cross-sections of these residues were compared with the predictions of the statistical model codes PACE-4 and EMPIRE. The measured excitation functions of reaction residues populated through xn and pxn channels are in good agreement with the predictions of the statistical model code PACE4 and EMPIRE. This confirms that the production of these residues is solely due to the CF process. However, a significant enhancement was observed in the measured cross-sections of residues populated through α-emitting channels compared to theoretical predictions. This enhancement in the cross sections for α-emitting channels is ascribed to the ICF processes. The fusion cross-section data were also analyzed within the universal fusion function (UFF) and universal reaction function (URF) approach. The observed fusion suppression is primarily attributed to the breakup of the projectile. The ICF contribution in the reaction is dependent on projectile energy, mass asymmetry of the system and deformation of the target.

Keywords: nuclear reactions, above barrier reactions, evaporation residues, universal fusion function

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