Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 88656
Fusion Reactions at Low Bombarding Energies
Authors: Nitin Sharma, Rahbar Ali, Dharmendra Singh, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, M. Afzal Ansari
Heavy ion-induced reactions have gained significant attention in nuclear physics due to their potential to elucidate reaction mechanisms and explore practical applications. Hence, the present simulation work has been done with a projectile of ¹²C on ¹⁴²,¹⁴⁶Nd target at beam energy ranging from 4-7 MeV/nucleon. In the present work, measurement of excitation functions of evaporation residues produced via CF and/or ICF in the system ¹²C + ¹⁴²,¹⁴⁶Nd has been done. The evaporation residues ¹⁵⁰Dy (4n), ¹⁴⁹Dy (5n), and ¹⁴⁹Tb (p4n) are populated via xn/pxn emission channels and 147,146Gd (α3n/ α4n) via αxn emission channels in ¹²C + ¹⁴²,¹⁴⁶Nd system, confirmed by statistical model codes of PACE-4 and EMPIRE 3.2.2. And the evaporation residues ¹⁵⁴Dy (4n), ¹⁵³Dy (5n), and ¹⁵³Tb (p4n) are populated via xn/pxn emission channels and 150Gd (α4n) via αxn emission channels in ¹²C + ¹⁴⁶Nd system. The cross-sections of the above residues have been taken from PACE-4 and EMPIRE 3.2.2 and compared. Present work also suggests the production route for ¹⁴⁹Tb radioisotope via heavy-ion reactions. In the reaction ¹²C + ¹⁴²Nd, ¹⁴⁹Tb radioisotope has been produced, which is the only α-emitting radioisotope of Tb and is promising for targeted alpha therapy. Moreover, these reactions are important to understand the role of target deformation in fusion reactions above the Coulomb barrier as target ¹⁴²Nd is spherical and ¹⁴⁶Nd is deformed.Keywords: heavy-ion reactions, radioisotopes, nuclear physics, target deformation
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