Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87758
Digitally Mapping Aboriginal Journey Ways
Authors: Paul Longley Arthur
This paper reports on an Australian Research Council-funded project utilising the Australian digital research infrastructure the ‘Time-Layered Cultural Map of Australia’ (TLCMap) ( [1]. This resource has been developed to help researchers create digital maps from cultural, textual, and historical data, layered with datasets registered on the platform. TLCMap is a set of online tools that allows humanities researchers to compile humanities data using spatio-temporal coordinates – to upload, gather, analyse and visualise data. It is the only purpose-designed, Australian-developed research tool for humanities and social science researchers to identify geographical clusters and parallel journeys by sight. This presentation discusses a series of Aboriginal mapping and visualisation experiments using TLCMap to show how Indigenous knowledge can reconfigure contemporary understandings of space including the urbanised landscape [2, 3]. The research data being generated – investigating the historical movements of Aboriginal people, the distribution of networks, and their relation to land – lends itself to mapping and geo-spatial visualisation and analysis. TLCMap allows researchers to create layers on a 3D map which pinpoint locations with accompanying information, and this has enabled our research team to plot out traditional historical journeys undertaken by Aboriginal people as well as to compile a gazetteer of Aboriginal place names, many of which have largely been undocumented until now [4]. The documented journeys intersect with and overlay many of today’s urban formations including main roads, municipal boundaries, and state borders. The paper questions how such data can be incorporated into a more culturally and ethically responsive understanding of contemporary urban spaces and as well as natural environments [5].Keywords: spatio-temporal mapping, visualisation, Indigenous knowledge, mobility and migration, research infrastructure
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