Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87758
Major Variables Influencing Marketed Surplus of Seed Cotton in District Khanewal, Pakistan
Authors: Manan Aslam, Shafqat Rasool
This paper attempts to examine impact of major factors affecting marketed surplus of seed cotton in district Khanewal (Punjab) using primary source of data. A representative sample of 40 cotton farmers was selected using stratified random sampling technique. The impact of major factors on marketed surplus of seed cotton growers was estimated by employing double log form of regression analysis. The value of adjusted R2 was 0.64 whereas the F-value was 10.81. The findings of analysis revealed that experience of farmers, education of farmers, area under cotton crop and distance from wholesale market were the significant variables affecting marketed surplus of cotton whereas the variables (marketing cost and sale price) showed insignificant impact. The study suggests improving prevalent marketing practices to increase volume of marketed surplus of cotton in district Khanewal.Keywords: seed cotton, marketed surplus, double log regression analysis
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