Neuromarketing in the Context of Food Marketing
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87758
Neuromarketing in the Context of Food Marketing

Authors: Francesco Pinci


This research investigates the significance of product packaging as an effective marketing tool. By using commercially available pasta as an example, the study specifically examines the visual components of packaging, including color, shape, packaging material, and logo. The insights gained from studies like this are particularly valuable to food and beverage companies as they provide marketers with a deeper understanding of the factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions. The research analyzes data collected through surveys conducted via Google Forms and visual data obtained using iMotions eye-tracker software. The results affirm the importance of packaging design elements, such as color and product information, in shaping consumer buying behavior.

Keywords: consumer behaviour, eyetracker, food marketing, neuromarketing

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