Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 87748
An Investigation of the Socioeconomic Livelihood of Indigenous Residents in a Remote Tribal Community of Taiwan
Authors: Chih-Yuan Weng
It may be a common sense that indigenous people in Taiwan, like their counterparts in the rest of the world, are generally more disadvantaged than other citizens in terms of all sorts of socioeconomic indicators. However, it has also been well-documented in the literature that there is always significant variation in the level of indigenous poverty, both among individuals and among tribes, which can be obscured by a national survey that does not take into account the heterogeneity, such as tribal locations, among indigenous people. Thus, using a Truku tribe in a remote county of Taiwan (i.e., Hualien County) as an example, this study aims at investigating whether and how the socioeconomic livelihood of the indigenous residents would be damaged by the remoteness of their tribal community.Keywords: indigenous people, tribal community, poverty, socioeconomic livelihood, remoteness
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